Amy Stonestrom: High Lattitude

We’re beaming this morning like a squirrel with a pawpaw, ready to share this short essay by Amy Stonestrom [>>], “High Lattitude“:

This CNF piece originally appeared in SC 7.2, available as an ebookRead on!

Natalia Prusinska: two poems

We’re flashing rare today, Reader, so here are two poems starting and stopping at exactly the right moments, Natalia Prusinska’s “Strange” and “Dry Orgasm”:

This poem first appeared in SC 7.2, available in our shop as an ebookRead on!

McKenzie Schwark: My Father, the Deer Hunter

Much snow around the Midwest this week, and what is that in the distance, that light? Today’s share from the latest issue is McKenzie Schwark’s cold-day visiting story “My Father, the Deer Hunter“:

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Yes! Storm Cellar‘s FORCE MAJEURE Flash Contest, with $500 in prizes, is open now.