Nichole Rued: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Boys

Things are always gearing up for that date, aren’t they, hetero friends? Those greasy, bloody, screaming gears. The gears you’ve always been in. Prepare, if you dare, with Nichole Rued’s blinding CNF hermit crab “A Smart Girl’s Guide to Boys (A Found Essay)”:

This essay originally appeared in SC #8.1, available in print and ebook formats at our storeRead on!

Stephanie Niu: A Guide to What Lives Between Land and Sea

Get your No. 2 pencils and your brain-warmers on, today’s share is the sea shanty we’ve all been waiting for, perhaps in horror, Stephanie Niu’s [>>] second prize winner in our 2020 flash contest, “A Guide to What Lives Between Land and Sea.”

This flash originally appeared in SC 9.1, available in print and ebook editions in our storeRead on!

Nathan Nielsen: two woodcuts

It’s May Day, or some day close by. We’re so glad to share these woodcuts from SC 5.1 by Nathan Nielsen, Cracked and Ant Glen:

5.1 print here, ebook here, subscriptions here. Read on!