Daniel Uncapher: Logic Puzzles

Exam szn, kiddos, so let’s get in! And by that we mean help us get out of this maze. here are Daniel Uncapher’s excellent flash “Logic Puzzles“:

These flash originally appeared in SC #8.1, available in print and ebook formats at our storeRead on!

Henry Goldkamp: American DIY

This share’s an autogenesis poem about us within these borders, fumbling and fumbling forward, anyway: it’s Henry Goldkamp’s “American DIY.”

This poem appears in Storm Cellar #7.1, nicknamed “Back Fire,” available in delicious print and ebook editions in our store. Read on!

Sarah Ann Winn: Introducing the Midwest Amazon

Readers, today of all days is #NationalPoetryDay and we’re here with a preview from the next issue (due Monday!) (!!!) — it’s Sarah Ann Winn’s “Introducing the Midwest Amazon”:


This one’s gonna be great, you guys. (!!!!!!)

We’re also open for submissions for an issue to feature authors who happen to be women or genderqueer (in the broadest sense). Full guidelines, submission portal. Read on!