Henry Goldkamp: American DIY

This share’s an autogenesis poem about us within these borders, fumbling and fumbling forward, anyway: it’s Henry Goldkamp’s “American DIY.”

This poem appears in Storm Cellar #7.1, nicknamed “Back Fire,” available in delicious print and ebook editions in our store. Read on!

Lori Propheter: Horse Latitudes

Another tropic here and gone again, Dear Reader, and we’re passing windy and winded over thither and yon, so for you here’s Lori Propheter’s [>>] “Horse Latitudes“:

This poem originally appeared in SC 6.2, available in print and ebook formats. Read on!

Harry Leeds: Survival Guide to the Trans-Siberian Railroad

This week’s share takes us further and further [sic] afield, but carefully and with affection; it’s Harry Leeds’ “Survival Guide to the Trans-Siberian Railroad“:

[Continue reading…]

This creative nonfiction piece originally appeared in SC 5.1, available in print and ebook forms at our storeSubscribe for more great flash delivered directly 2.5 times per year. Read on!

At this brightening time of the year, consider giving a bit to Storm Cellar to help keep the servers hot (cool): Tip Jar or PayPal (not tax deductible). Thank you!

Gen Del Raye: Homecoming

The longest night is behind us here in the northern hemisphere, and so here we are proud to share this homecoming flash by Gen Del Raye [>>]:

This flash originally appeared in SC 5.1, available in print and ebook forms at our storeSubscribe for more great flash delivered directly 2.5 times per year. Read on!

At this festive time of the year, consider giving a bit to Storm Cellar to help keep the servers hot (cool?): Tip Jar or PayPal (not tax deductible). Thank you!