Audrey Glass: Pretty Girl

The sweet shop and the corner drug store are one, and this tells us something we didn’t perhaps want to consciously know, Readers, and to honor this uncomfortable revelation, here’s Audrey Glass’s “Pretty Girl“:

This poem originally appeared in SC 6.2, available in print and ebook formats. Read on!

Issue 6.2 Out Now!

It’s here, it’s here! Storm Cellar vol. VI no. 2, Summer 2017 has arrived. This one’s nicknamed “Partition Table” — we’ll let you decide why. The deets:

Bovine Medusa II by Erik Farseth


The 2017 Force Majeure Flash Contest:
Anne Riesenberg – Keep Moving [1st Prize]
Bucket Siler [>>] – P.S. While You Were Sleeping [2nd Prize]
Rita Ciresi [>>] – Hunger [2nd Prize]
Alex Clark – A Not-So-Angry Inch [Honorable Mention]
Oscar Mancinas [>>] – To Live And Die in E.V. [Honorable Mention]
Derek Updegraff – In Olden Times [Honorable Mention]

FICTION by Rachel Linn [>>], Sara Lippmann [>>], Brian Phillip Whalen [>>], Heather Whited

FLASH by Amanda Bloom [>>], Alex Clark, Rita Ciresi, Sarah Feng [>>], Jennifer Lynn Krohn [>>], Oscar Mancinas, Anne Riesenberg, Bucket Siler, Lana Spendl [>>], Travis Truax, Derek Updegraff

NONFICTION by José Angel Araguz [>>], Kristine Langley Mahler [>>], Mary Mullen

POETRY by Bruce Alford, Peter Burzynski [>>], Audrey Glass, Katie Hibner, Jason Morphew [>>], Javier Perez [>>], Lynne Potts [>>], Lori Propheter

IMAGES by Shushanik Karapetyan, Heather Lewis, Diana Simon, Bill Wolak, and Erik Farseth [>>] [cover].

Rejected Ersatz Dishes 

You guys. Check out the issue and get your very very own copy: PRINT! and EBOOK!!  (pdf, epub, mobi) editions. Read on.